Are you ready for the Metaverse Cryptocurrency and NFT world?

Chris Lowry
2 min readOct 29, 2021

I had an idea to write about today.

But put it on a different page.

Because this is about you and not me.

I wanted to tell you about Kyle.

Who I may have mentioned before.

A kid I talked with at baseball tournaments.

A sixteen year old who shared one of his ideas with me, and we vibed and started hashing it out into something bigger.

With plans for him to work on it and learn more while he finishes high school.

And a secret plan in my head to fund his first company when he’s ready to start it.

Because when he graduates in a year or so, the Metaverse will be ready, and that’s what he was talking about.

Building something that would fit inside this brand new type of place that Zuckerburg and Facebook are building.

I think it’s cool.

I think it’s kind of awesome.

And I think it’s going to revolutionize almost everything.

That’s why I’m talking about NFT’s and Cryptocurrency.

We are at the beginning of something, which is why so many people are calling it stupid or they don’t “understand” it.

The Metaverse and all in it will be like the Model T was to the horse and buggy.

Or even more recent, like Google was to AOL.

Or even more, like Amazon was to the Mall.

Which is to say, if you get the chance to actually listen to a teenager, listen hard and listen well.

And never forget that you hold in your hand or pocket, a device more powerful than anything that has ever come before it.

Your phone is the computer and the radio and the television, and soon, it will be a whole new world.

I’m excited to see what happens next and working like hell on my place in it.

I can’t wait to see yours.




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I’ve got a lot of stuff to share today, but instead of making a very long list here, let me put most of it on this page on my blog with links.

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Chris Lowry

Author at Runner writing books both fiction and non fiction, crypto investor, real estate and urban renewal.