Member-only story
Daybreak Show:
Channel 7 has several shows a day during the week:
1. Daybreak
2. Arkansas Morning
3. Noon news
4. 3: 00 news
5. 5:00 news
6. 6:oo news
7. 10:00 news
Just listing them out and I can only count 7.
7 on 7.
I wonder if that’s intentional?
A part of the brand.
What I think about Channel 7 is it’s Still the One.
That was their song and their catchphrase from the late 70’s when I was learning to watch the news.
Since then, I’ve been hooked.
Sort of.
I like to know things.
I like to learn a lot and connect the dots.
Like who owns Channel 7.
In the past decade, conservative groups have been consolidating and buying news stations.
Sinclair is one of them.
You know it’s owned by one group when they play the same “story” across all channels.
It’s called pre-packaged.
Written by marketing experts and designed to make you feel something.