Do you want to be an idea machine?

Chris Lowry
4 min readFeb 5, 2020

The Start Up Writer CHAPTER THREE

It was impossible to get a conversation going,

everybody was talking too much.

~Yogi Berra

There was a man who owned a small store in a small town. The store had been in his family for three generations, one of those mainstays of Main Street, a cornerstone of the community.

One day, he got a call from a big executive from a big corporation who said, “I want to buy you out.”

The small store owner said, “Well, this business has been in my family for a long time, and we’re a part of the community, so I don’t think I want to sell.”

He listened to the icy silence on the other end of the line. Then, the executive growled.

“Then we’re going to run you out of business. We’re going to buy the building on the left of you, and the building on the right of you and you’ll be bankrupt in 3 months.”

So the time came, and the executive was true to his word. They bought the store to the left and the store the right and hung huge banners that said GRAND OPENING on either side of the small business owner’s store.

The night before the grand opening, the small business owner, who, as it turns out, was a very smart business owner, went out and put up his banner. It read MAIN ENTRANCE.

See, that man knew the power of WORDS and using the right words to tell your story can ensure your…



Chris Lowry

Author at Runner writing books both fiction and non fiction, crypto investor, real estate and urban renewal.