How Bad Was Last Night?

Chris Lowry
3 min readDec 17, 2021

Sleep was hard to find last night.

I knew it would be because of the dog.

He jumped out of bed as soon as I got in, and was restless.

Wind blowing leaves through the backyard made noises he could hear, and delivered visions of critters scampering through the dark.

He needed to investigate.

He can’t jump into bed though, and he can’t open the doors to the deck.

So he whines.

Just a little puppy whine, but when you are trying to go to sleep, it’s grating.

Especially when he jumps down to get a drink of water, then wants back in.

Jumps down to stare through the window.

Then wants back in.

On nights when he’s restless, this can happen seven times.

And last night was one of those nights.

I lay in bed and wonder why.

Was it the bath?

He lay in the office and snored most of the day away perched on a bean bag in front of the window.

Baths are relaxing.

But he sleeps most days away, in various poses that boggle the mind sometimes.



Chris Lowry

Author at Runner writing books both fiction and non fiction, crypto investor, real estate and urban renewal.