My Second Side Hustle Christmas update

Chris Lowry
2 min readDec 20, 2021

It’s a scam.

That’s what I thought.

Too close to too good to be true.

So I spent a lot of time looking for what’s wrong with it.

And a lot of internal debating on why it wouldn’t work.

Which is against my nature.

I’m a man of action almost always, so internal debates are solved fairly quickly.

I am the vanilla ice of decision making.

If I’ve got a problem, yo, I solve it.

I spend a lot of time talking about taking action to see what works.

I do it in series, in stories, in videos and in blog posts.

I try and test and adjust.

The wind ain’t in my favor? Climb the rigging and adjust the sails.

So when someone said, try this.

I should have jumped.

I finally did, last week.

Here’s how it works.

Sign up at Cloutzap.

Then start doing tasks.

One of the tasks was download an app and play a game to reach a certain level.

I did it while watching Yellowstone and added $140 to my account.

Another is to share on TikTok, Youtube or socials.

I did, and got more added to my account.

Just doing tasks here and there, I pumped my account up to $1500.

Now all I had to do was transfer it over via Venmo, or Cashapp or Paypal.

Before they let you do that though, you have to accomplish a set number of tasks, which seem fairly simple, but can add a day or so to getting the money.

For example, refer 5 friends.

When they sign up, you get $2 each. Sure it’s only $10 but a milestone you have to reach before you get paid.

Or complete 6 social media shares.

And download 6 tasks.

I hit a few milestones fast and some others, like the tasks are taking a few days.

No worries, because once I hit them, I’ll request a transfer and see if this works as good as it seems.

Keep your fingers crossed and test it with me.

See you on Cloutzap.



Chris Lowry

Author at Runner writing books both fiction and non fiction, crypto investor, real estate and urban renewal.