Member-only story
The Simple Two Step Writer Marketing Plan that Guarantees Success
A Simple Two Step Plan
A goal is a wish your heart makes, when you’re fast asleep.
Okay, maybe that’s not quite the Disney version but the sentiment fits none the less.
A goal unwritten and unplanned is a dream.
A dream is not real.
A goal that is written is a plan. A plan is real.
If your goal is to become a best selling author, that’s actually a very easy title to get.
Just pick a category that’s very narrow, use keywords in your book description and do a free promotion.
You will pop up to number one on the first or second day of promotion and now you can claim to be a “BEST SELLER” (in that category for that day.)
Most authors mean something else when they say best seller.
They mean, “I want to make enough money so that I can write full time and replace my income, plus have some extra left over so I can improve my lifestyle.”
Try fitting that on a cover.
That won’t sell a lot of tee shirts, will it?
But maybe we can do something to make it so.
Without the catch phrase, of course.
Money making author.