What Are You Working On Today?

Chris Lowry
3 min readSep 8, 2021


That’s how many projects I have going at the moment.

I wish it was one.

And that doesn’t count the project management projects, in audio and hardcover and expanding into Barnes and Noble and libraries.

My computer started slowing down after a back up the other day.

When I do a back up, I close out every window, clean the cache, clean up the drive and try to make everything smoother.

And I start back up by opening two windows.

Google and a single Word Doc.

The lure of the blank page waiting to be filled with ten ideas for that day, or with words for the book in process, or a blog post.

A letter like this one that will piss off some, who write angry letters and tell me to piss off. Or champions who join me on the podium and shake their virtual fists at the real enemy.

And then I save the post.

Open a second because there is editing to be done, and formatting.

Open a third because while I was editing, a thought popped into mind on a scene and conversation that had to be captured.

Repeat ten more times until eleven projects are going.



Chris Lowry

Author at https://payhip.com/ChrisLowryBooks Runner writing books both fiction and non fiction, crypto investor, real estate and urban renewal.