What is Your DTC Strategy?

Chris Lowry
5 min readMar 23, 2023


10 Benefits for Authors Selling Direct to Consumer in their Author Entrepreneur Business

Section 1: Increased Profits

When authors sell their books directly to consumers, they can eliminate the middleman and keep all the profits for themselves. This means they can set their own prices and earn more money per sale. Additionally, authors can offer exclusive deals and promotions to their customers, which can further increase their profits.

Furthermore, authors can set up a direct-to-consumer sales platform on their own website, which can save them the fees associated with selling on other platforms like Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Ultimately, selling direct to consumers can be a great way for authors to increase their bottom line and take control of their own financial success.

Section 2: Building a Stronger Brand

When authors sell their books directly to consumers, they have the opportunity to build a stronger brand and cultivate a closer relationship with their readers. This is because authors can communicate directly with their customers, get feedback on their work, and tailor their marketing efforts to their target audience.

Moreover, authors can use direct-to-consumer sales to create a loyal fan base that will continue to buy their books in the future. By creating a strong brand and cultivating a dedicated following, authors can build a sustainable author business that will continue to grow and thrive over time.

In essence, direct-to-consumer sales can be a powerful tool for authors looking to build a lasting brand and establish a strong presence in the marketplace.

Section 3: Greater Control Over Marketing

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have limited control over the marketing and promotional efforts used to sell their work. This can be frustrating for authors who want to take a more active role in promoting their books.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they have complete control over their marketing efforts. This means they can tailor their marketing messages to their target audience, experiment with different strategies, and track their results to see what works best.

Furthermore, authors can use direct-to-consumer sales to build their email list, which is one of the most effective marketing tools available. By building a robust email list, authors can communicate directly with their readers, promote their books, and build a loyal following that will continue to support them over time.

Section 4: Greater Flexibility

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have to conform to the rules and regulations set by those platforms. This can be limiting and frustrating for authors who want more flexibility in how they sell their books.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they have complete flexibility over how they sell their work. They can set their own prices, offer exclusive promotions, and experiment with different sales strategies.

Moreover, authors can use direct-to-consumer sales to sell their books in different formats, such as audiobooks or eBooks, which can help them reach a wider audience and increase their sales.

Section 5: Better Data and Analytics

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have limited access to data and analytics about their sales and customers. This can make it difficult for authors to make informed decisions about their business.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they can collect a wealth of data and analytics about their customers and sales. This data can help authors understand their target audience, track their sales performance, and make informed decisions about their marketing and promotional efforts.

By using data and analytics to guide their business decisions, authors can improve their sales and grow their business more effectively over time.

Section 6: More Direct Feedback from Customers

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have limited feedback from customers about their work. This can make it difficult for authors to know how their books are being received by their target audience.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they can get more direct feedback from their customers. This feedback can help authors improve their writing, understand their target audience, and tailor their marketing efforts to be more effective.

By using direct feedback to guide their business decisions, authors can improve their books and grow their business more effectively over time.

Section 7: More Control Over Intellectual Property

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have limited control over their intellectual property. This can make it difficult for authors to protect their work and ensure that they are getting the full value of their creative output.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they have more control over their intellectual property. They can set their own terms and conditions for how their work is used, and they can protect their work from piracy and theft more effectively.

By having more control over their intellectual property, authors can ensure that they are getting the full value of their creative output and protect their work from being exploited by others.

Section 8: More Personalized Customer Service

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have limited control over the customer service experience their readers receive. This can make it difficult for authors to provide personalized support and assistance to their readers.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they can provide more personalized customer service to their readers. They can answer questions, provide support, and address concerns more directly and effectively.

By providing more personalized customer service, authors can build stronger relationships with their readers and create a more positive customer experience overall.

Section 9: More Creative Control

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have limited creative control over how their work is presented and marketed. This can be frustrating for authors who want more control over how their work is perceived by their target audience.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they have more creative control over how their work is presented and marketed. They can create their own cover art, write their own marketing copy, and tailor their sales strategy to their target audience.

By having more creative control over their work, authors can ensure that their vision is fully realized and that their work is presented in the best possible way to their target audience.

Section 10: More Autonomy

When authors sell their books through traditional channels, they often have to rely on others to make decisions about their work and their business. This can be frustrating for authors who want more autonomy and control over their creative output.

However, when authors sell their books directly to consumers, they have more autonomy over their creative output and their business decisions. They can set their own terms and conditions, make their own marketing decisions, and take full control over their financial success.

By having more autonomy over their business and creative output, authors can create a more fulfilling and satisfying career as an author entrepreneur.

You can use PAYHIP as one of your DTC partners and deliver ebooks, courses, products and even memberships to your readers. They payout directly to your account in 2 days or less, so if you need cash flow, add them to your arsenal.



Chris Lowry

Author at https://payhip.com/ChrisLowryBooks Runner writing books both fiction and non fiction, crypto investor, real estate and urban renewal.